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Mission &Vision

Mission &Vision

Mission ~ Vision ~ Purpose of Kobrin Butter and Cheese Making Factory JSC                                                                             
   The mission of Kobrin Butter and Cheese Making Factory JSC is to provide everybody who cares about his/her health with high-quality natural dairy products: to achieve the prosperity of the Company, preserving the production traditions and introducing the most modern technologies.

    The vision of Kobrin Butter and Cheese Making Factory JSC is: to be the best of dairy product producing companies in the Republic of Belarus, to make long-term investments in agricultural enterprises of Kobrin district for their further development, ensuring the product quality – from purchasing raw materials to the moment when the finished products are purchased by a consumer; and to achieve high financial results and to increase the incomes of the employees of the Company by 2020.

  The main strategic goal of Kobrin Butter and Cheese Making Factory JSC is to produce safe and competitive high-quality dairy products that maximally meet the requirements and expectations of the consumers of the domestic and foreign markets, to protect the health and lives of our employees, and to receive a profit for the further development of the production for benefit of the consumers and financial well-being of the Company.