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Quality Policy

Quality Policy

The Policy of Kobrin Butter and Cheese Making Factory JSC in the field of product quality and safety, labor protection and ecology.

The goal of Kobrin Butter and Cheese Making Factory JSC is to produce high-quality, safe and competitive products that meet the legislative requirements of the Republic of Belarus and guarantee the maximum satisfaction of the consumer needs, combining with environmentally oriented management methods, labor safety and protection of the employees' health.


To achieve this goal, the following tasks should be solved:
• To ensure the compliance of the Quality Management System (QMS) with the requirements of STB ISO 9001, the Food Safety Management System (FSMS) with the requirements of STB ISO 22000, the Food Safety Management System based on Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP system) with the requirements of STB 1470, the Environmental Management System (EMS) with the requirements of STB ISO 14001, the Labor Protection Management System (LPMS) with the requirements of STB 18001. 
• To ensure the fulfillment of all the requirements of legislation and other regulations governing the activities of the Company on all the stages of the product life cycle, from the receipt of raw materials and to the sale of the finished products;
• To ensure the fulfillment of all the requirements of legislation and other regulations governing the activities of the Company in the field of environmental protection and labor protection;
• To ensure the continuous improvement and to improve the effectiveness of quality management systems and safety of manufactured products, environmental protection and occupational safety and health management;
• To implement and maintain the effective schemes for the minimization of the production risks, industrial injuries' reduction, morbidity, and the reduction of the negative consequences of incidents and accidents;
• To carry out regular work to prevent environmental pollution, to minimize the production risks, to reduce the industrial injuries, morbidity, and the negative consequences of incidents and accidents;
• To perform the sales profitability indicators of the Business Plan;
• To ensure the preservation of the health and the ability to work of all the employees and to create safe working conditions;
• To introduce and use innovative technologies and modern equipment, to develop new directions in the dairy industry, and to introduce into production new types of products;
• To ensure the environmental protection and to prevent its pollution;
• To use rationally natural resources, fuel, electric energy and thermal power, to assume measures for energy efficiency improving;
• To reduce the possibility of risks associated with the occupational safety of the employees (as well as consumers and other persons performing work under contracts), their health and labor protection and the industrial safety;
•   To improve the qualification and professional level of the employees.

The management of Kobrin Butter and Cheese Making Factory JSC takes the responsibility for the provision with the means and resources that ensure the implementation of this Policy, undertakes to bring it to the attention of each employee and encourages everyone to its unfailing implementation.